
Abstract Announcement

Congratulations on the acceptance of your abstract for presentation at the 24th TMEC 2025.

Oral Presentations

Thong Lo Meeting Room, Eastin Grand Hotel Phayathai, 4th Floor

Guidance Notes for Oral Presentations
The handout submission should be sent to by 31 January 2025. Alternatively, you can download your slide presentation (PowerPoint 16:9 or PDF 16:9) at the slide preview room (Mo Chit Room, 6th Floor) on 19 February 2025, from 08:00 to 17:00 hrs, or on 20 February 2025, at least 20 minutes before your session. Please download the Power Point Template for your presentation as following below

Session: Short Communication 1
Date: 20 February 2025
Time: 10.45 - 12.00 hrs. (Presentation 9 mins. + Q&A 3 Mins.)
Time Oral No. Abstract Title Presenting Author Country
10.45 - 10.57 hrs. O-001 Effect of the AO Faculty Education Program on participants’ perception of teaching competencies Dr. Woei Yun Siow Singapore
10.57 - 11.09 hrs. O-003 Developing a Portfolio System to Enhance Professional Skills and Promote Achievement of Intended Outcomes for Medical Students at Lampang Hospital Mr. Anavat Buppha
11.09 - 11.21 hrs. O-004 ViSim: Virtual Simulation for Medical Clinical Learning – A Novel Sustainable Development Approach in medical education. Ms. Tanaporn Noicharoen Thailand
11.21 - 11.33 hrs. O-005 Enhancing Reflective Practice in Medical Education: Evaluating the Impact of the UCESA Inventory on Students Reflection during Clinical Postings Dr. Anisa Ahmad Malaysia
11.33 - 11.45 hrs. O-006 Undergraduate Clinical Experience Self-Assessment (UCESA): A newly developed experiential learning self-assessment tool for medical students in clinical placement. Dr. Anisa Ahmad Malaysia
11.45 - 11.57 hrs.

Session: Short Communication 2
Date: 20 February 2025
Time: 13.30 – 14.45 hrs. (Presentation 9 mins. + Q&A 3 Mins.)
Time Oral No. Abstract Title Presenting Author Country
13.30 - 13.42 hrs. O-007 Enhancing Global Healthcare Perspectives: Insights from Tokai University’s Thailand Healthcare Study Program Dr. Hiroyuki Katoh Japan
13.42 - 13.54 hrs. O-008 Evaluation of Multiple-Choice Questions quality by Artificial Intelligence - A validation study on a MBBS Examination Paper Assoc. Prof. Michael Co Hong Kong
13.54 - 14.06 hrs. O-009 Effects of written patient report scores in predicting summative examination results in 5th year medical student in internal medicine course Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nisa Makruasi Thailand
14.06 - 14.18 hrs. O-010 Meaning, Purpose, and Well-being in Medical Education: A Mixed-Methods Study of Peer-recognized and General Medical Students Assoc. Prof. Warunee Vandepitte Thailand
14.18 - 14.30 hrs. O-011 Tradition vs. Individuality: Exploring Dress Code Perceptions Among First-Year Medical Students Ms. Nara Phonpraserth Thailand
14.30 - 14.42 hrs. O-012 Addressing social accountability of medical programs in Australia and Nepal: case studies Dr. Jyotsna Rimal Australia

Session: Short Communication 3
Date: 20 February 2025
Time: 15.15 – 16.30 hrs (Presentation 9 mins. + Q&A 3 Mins.)
Time Oral No. Abstract Title Presenting Author Country
15.15 - 15.27 hrs. O-014 Assessing the difference in depth perception competency between medical and engineering students Mr. Rishi Miriyala Anantharaj United Kingdom
15.27 - 15.39 hrs. O-013 Impact of Generative Artificial Intelligence on Health Economics and Business Models of Academic Medical Centers in Lebanon Dr. Nabil Mansour Lebanon
15.39 - 15.51 hrs. O-015 Advanced Implementation and Evaluation of Flipped Classroom Strategies in Pre-Clinical Medical Education Mr. Time Isadawong Thailand
15.51 - 16.03 hrs. O-016 From Scores to Skills: The Growing Role of Research, Innovation and Artificial Intelligence in Thai Medical Education Dr. Pratchayapong Yasri Thailand
16.03 - 16.15 hrs. O-017 Gender Differences in Student Perspective, Study Behavior, and Academic Performance During the Transition from Grading to Non-Grading Evaluation in First-Year Medical Students of a Doctor of Medicine Program Ms. Issarawan Keadkraichaiwat Thailand
16.15 - 16.27 hrs.

Poster Presentations

Poster Area, Eastin Grand Hotel Phayathai, 6th Floor

Guidance Notes for Poster Presentations

  • The poster display size is 120 x 85 cm (approx. A0 size), portrait orientation.
  • All presentations must be made in English.
  • The title should be emphasized using bold-face type. When printed, the letters should not be smaller than 15 mm. The subtitle should be printed in the same font style, but in semi-bold and no less than 10 mm high. This ensures clear readability even from a distance of 2 meters.
  • Text sections should be broken up with drawings, photos, or graphs. Keep text to a minimum.
  • Bullet points and phrases are more effective than complete sentences.
  • Charts, drawings, and illustrations should resemble those used for slide presentations, but be more heavily drawn. Keep both illustrated and written material simple.
  • The use of color enhances the attractiveness and effectiveness of the poster.
  • The display of commercial/product sales posters is prohibited. Any poster deemed to be a commercial advertisement will be removed from the poster hall.

Set-up Poster Presentation
Posters should be set up in the poster area on the 6th Floor on 19 February 2025, between 07:00 and 10:00 hrs. A standard bulletin board will be provided, and the background of the poster board will be white. It is your responsibility to provide double-sided tape or other means to attach your poster to the board.

Poster No. Abstract Title Presenting Author Country
P-001 The Effectiveness of Multimedia Teaching Program on The Learning Motivation of Physical Assessment Among Junior College Nursing Students Asst. Prof. Pao Yu Wang Taiwan
P-002 Exploring The Relationship Between Self-Directed Learning and Clinical Reasoning Among Nursing Students in The Post-Pandemic Era Ms. CHIN-TING LEE Taiwan
P-004 Evaluating The Effectiveness of Reflection Training in Simulation Courses in Nursing Education Dr. Ya-Lin Fu Taiwan
P-005 Investigating The Knee Phenotypic Variation in Thai Osteoarthritic Knee According to Coronal Plane Alignment of The Knee Classification: A Distribution Analysis Ms. Sirada Phongpetra Thailand
P-006 A Study of The Effectiveness of Simulation-Based Education in The Development of Critical Thinking Skills Among Nursing Students Ms. Wang Shu Taiwan
P-007 Chatgpt In Early Medical Training: A Catalyst for Success or A Shortcut to Forgetfulness? Capt. Yutthana Pansuwan Thailand
P-008 Learning Smarter, Advancing Faster: Chatgpt’S Impact on Medical Students Ms. Miruntee Duangmusit Thailand
P-009 Does Learning Order Matter? The Impact of Respiratory Versus Cardiovascular Block Sequence on Medical Students' Understanding of Circulatory Shock Assoc. Prof. Veerapong Vattanavanit Thailand
P-010 Needs Assessment in Electronic Portfolio Development for Nurse Anesthetist Students Dr. Parichad Apidechakul Thailand
P-011 Learning Style Preferences and The Most Preferred Type of Social Media in Clinical Medical Students Dr. Ratikorn Anusorntanawat Thailand
P-012 Efficacy Of Pharmatch, An E-Card Game, To Improve Autonomic Nervous System Pharmacology Learning of Medical Students Ms. Yaowalak Paichamnan Thailand
P-013 Comparative Eye-Tracking and Motion Analysis in Suturing: Identifying Behavioral Markers to Enhance Surgical Education Ms. Sirin Apichonbancha Thailand
P-014 Implementation Of Design Thinking Process by Medical Students to Optimize Hospital Navigation, Enhancing Convenience and Reducing Travel Time for Patients at Lampang Hospital Mr. Anavat Bupphachareonsuk Thailand
P-015 Leveraging social media For Collaborative Learning in Medical Education: Balancing Benefits, Challenges, And Patterns of Use Mr. Chotipat Siampanarai Thailand
P-016 Enhancing Patient-Centered Care Through Humanities: Exploring the Impact of Early Clinical Exposure and Patient Journey Mapping on Second-Year Medical Students Ms. Narrueadee Phreethanutt Thailand
P-017 Understanding The Learning Preferences of Generation Z Medical Students: Implications for Teaching and Support Strategies Mr. Tirakorn Naneyod Thailand
P-018 Jigsaw Integrated-Case Based Learning (Ji-Cbl): Linked with Case Studies to Achieve the Desired Learning Outcomes for Medical Students Dr. Pimwan Thongdee Thailand
P-019 The Role of Relationships and Support Systems in Medical Student Well-Being and Resilience: A Qualitative Study Ms. Nutsukarn Wattanaboonma Thailand
P-020 Knowledge And Confidence of Blood Transfusion in Medical Students in Clinical Years. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nisa Makruasi Thailand
P-021 The Evaluation of The Alignment of The Preclinical Curriculum with The Medical Council'S 2024 Standards, Utilizing Microsoft Excel Macro Tools. Ms. Nanthicha Somboon Thailand
P-022 Research Project: Preparing Global Health Leaders: Evaluating the Effectiveness of Imrc Participation in Developing Global Health Competency Among Medical Students at Phramongkutklao College of Medicine Ms. Kanchaporn Nopkaomeesaeng Thailand
P-023 Comprehension And Factors Associated with Underreporting of Mistreatment in Medical Students Mr. Rathanan Rungrojwattana Thailand
P-024 Enhancing Active Learning in Medical Training: The Significance of Case-Station Integrated Learning (Csil) In Respiratory Infection Education. Ms. Passara Wongthai Thailand
P-025 Promoting Research Engagement Among Medical Students at Phramongkutklao College of Medicine (Pcm): Identifying Barriers and Enablers to Foster a Culture of Inquiry and Innovation Mr. Pharuj Tangthienthong Thailand
P-026 Evaluation Of User Satisfaction with The Siriraj Medical Education Studio: A Pilot Study on Factors Affecting Service Quality and Recommendations for Improvement Asst. Prof. Sani Baimai Thailand
P-027 Enhancing Anatomical Learning and Media Creation Through Peg and Formalin-Preserved Urinary System Specimens: A Constructivist Approach to Medical Education Asst. Prof. Sani Baimai Thailand
P-028 Colleagues' Opinions on The Application of Knowledge by Learners in Siid 529 Effective Clinical Teaching Ms. Arisara Thongnopphakhun Thailand
P-029 Student Expectations of Medical Education: Exploring Student Perspectives on The Role of Medical Teachers as A Profession and The Changing Characteristics of Thai Medical Students Mr. Theerayuwat Sirirak Thailand
P-030 Enhancing Organ Donation in Thailand Through Nudge Theory Dr. Pratchayapong Yasri Thailand
P-031 Comparative Analysis of Health-Care Students' Experiences in Ecg Learning Using Conventional Public Lecture and Blended Learning Methods: A Systematic Review Ms. Javana Prameswari Indonesia
P-033 The Perspectives of Deans of Medical Schools on Introducing Artificial Intelligence and Computer Literacy to The Medical Curricula in The Arab Countries Dr. Nabil Mansour Lebanon
P-034 Coordinating And Managing Assessment Vetting for Preclinical Medical Students at Universiti Malaya: A Collaborative Approach to Ensuring Fairness and Quality Ms. Asma Aziz Malaysia
P-035 Managing The Medical Selection Admissions Test Malaysia 2024 For Universiti Malaya Medical Programme: Challenges, Strategies, And Innovations Mrs. Nurashikin Moh Dat Malaysia
P-036 The Blurry Barrier: Exploring The Risk Factors and Academic Impact of Dry Eye Disease in Pre-Clinical Medical Students Ms. Pitchsinee Oimpitiwong Thailand
P-037 The Characteristics of The Trauma and Resuscitation Game Were Evaluated Using the Serious Educational Game in Nursing Appraisal Scale (Seginas) Assoc. Prof. Osaree Akaraborworn Thailand
P-040 Prescription Writing Examination and Pitfall Analysis Among Pre-Clinical Medical Students Dr. Patcharin Singdam Thailand
P-041 Avams: Automating Visual Ai-Infused Mnemonics and Storytelling for Enhancing Memorization in Medical Education Ms. Kittiyada Limruangrong Thailand
P-042 Correlations Between a Sut Medical Student’S Comprehensive Examination Score and Their Successive National License Step 1 Examination Score Ms. Orawan Phechsungnoen Thailand
P-043 Using Systems Thinking to Analyze Engagement Challenges in Ramsc: Identifying Leverage Points for Improvement Mr. Rawipas Thungsuk Thailand
P-045 The Association of Mild Thrombocytopenia That Impact on Increasing Risk of Postpartum Hemorrhage Mr. Phongphak Khunrakphong Thailand

Floor Plan

Oral Presentation

Thong Lo Meeting Room, Eastin Grand Hotel Phayathai, 4th Floor

Poster Presentation

Poster Area, Eastin Grand Hotel Phayathai, 6th Floor

Poster Presentation Floor Plan


Abstract Submission Guideline

TMEC 2025 Abstract Submission from 30 June to 15 December 2024.
Key Dates (Bangkok Time GMT+7)
Abstract Submission Opens30 June 2024
Abstract Submission Deadline15 December 2024
Acceptance Notification25 December 2024

Note: All presenters will be required to attend in-person to make the oral or poster presentation.

M.D.                                   Non-M.D.

Type of Presentation
You may select your abstract to be considered for an Oral Presentation Only, Oral or Poster Presentation and Poster Presentation Only.

Text Formats and Requirements

  • All abstracts must be summitted in English.
  • The research abstract should be structured into the following sections:
    • Introduction
    • Methodology
    • Results
    • Conclusions
  • The length of the abstract is no more than 500 words not including spaces.
  • The case report abstract should be mentioned about the age, gender and nationality of the patient(s) in the cases should be presented.
  • Graphics (e.g., figures and tables) are not accepted in the body of your abstract.
  • Authors can submit and present an unlimited number of abstracts.

For any question regarding abstract submission policies, please contact

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